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Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression
Many people believe in multiple incarnations, and that our spirits or souls live eternally. Engaging with other lifetimes can increase our understanding of our soul's purposes and the journey that we are experiencing in the current lifetime. Past Life Regression is deep work that opens up the client's subconscious in this lifetime to reveal what the soul carries in its eternal memory.
Life Between Lives Regression
Life Between Lives Regression
Over the last several decades, Dr. Michael Newton investigated the work of the soul with his clients. As a result of his work, he published a number of books on the subject of life in spirit, or as he calls it the Life Between Lives.
Dr. Diana Paque is certified by the Newton Institute to offer Life Between Lives regression. This deep regression includes and goes beyond past life regression into the realm of spirit between lives.
Work in this Lifetime
Work in this Lifetime
What do you want to know about your life? Your challenges and problems? Your relationships? Other questions about life as you know it and what lies beyond?
We offer a variety of tools and services to support you in examining and understanding what you know, what you understand, and what stymies you.
All sessions are by appointment and mutual agreement concerning day, time and location.
Beginning in January 2025, services are offered in person in El Sobrante (San Francisco East Bay Area) and online via Zoom.
We ask that you be in good health when you come to sessions either online or in person, so that you can fully engage
in work comfortably and safely. We offer initial consultations free of charge to help you decide if our
services support your needs and goals. P​lease contact us for more information.
Dr. Diana Paque is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Regressionist, and Reiki Master with offices in El Sobrante, California. She is a Member of the Newton Institute for Life between Lives and has been trained in the Dr. Michael Newton protocol for LBL regression. She is a trained Quantum Consciousness facilitator as well as being an IFS (Internal Family Systems)-informed practitioner. Dr. Paque holds sessions by appointment in El Sobrante and works with clients throughout the world on Zoom. She also consults and works with organizations at their own locations to promote wellness, productivity, and positive work environments.
In 2019, Dr Paque was named the Executive Director of the Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy. In this role, she will oversee the continuing development of this organization that promotes and supports facilitators in the continuation of Michael's work to connect everyone to eternal consciousness and raise awareness of our spiritual state of being as a means to improving our connections in this lifetime.
About Us
About Us
There's more to life than what we see with the naked eye or experience on a daily basis. Hypnotherapy and regression offer deep tools that allow the client to explore the deep subconscious for an understanding of what may be hidden from our conscious minds and thoughts.
We specialize in supporting our clients on these deep journeys within. You may have a number of issues to explore before undertaking regressions into the past. Dr. Paque will work with you to plan a course of action that best meets your needs.